PS-dive CINTO PURE silicone
Manufacturer: PS-dive
Delivery time: Ready to ship in 1 day
Silicone belt "PURE"
Elastic strap to add to any of our PS-dive lead belt buckles.
It is made of high quality material, resistant to tearing, unalterable to UV rays avoiding its deterioration with the sun and resistant to the action of salt water.
The material is studied to provide it with an elasticity and a "shore" that gives the belt a perfect elasticity for the self-adjustment of the belt to the body of the diver as the suit is compressed by pressure.
The stretch coefficient of our "shore" in pure silicone allows both ventral breathing and the perfect fastening of the belt even with a lot of ballast.
Color is our high-visibility brown and green or white camu
The belt measurements are:
- Width: 48 mm
- Thickness: 4 mm
- Total length in three possibilities:
- "CINTO PURE 130" with a total length of 130 cm
- "CINTO PURE 150" with a total length of 150 cm
- "CINTO PURE 1m" per meter


PS-dive Sujeción COLA CASTOR