PS-dive Stringer MULTI

Manufacturer: PS-dive

Delivery time: Ready to ship in 1 day

9,66 $VAT included

Designed to be used in combination with the which incorporate carabiner and for use at the waist or buoy.

It has the following functionalities and uses:

  1. Fishing round. Sharpened by one end (but blunt right at the tip to avoid punctures) so that you can top the fish and then pass it to the rope,
  2. Spear release tool has an opening in the center of the passforeper for use with pull-rods.
  3. Spear straighten tool: it has two diameters covering all rods from 6 mm to 8 mm. Manufactured in a robust sheet with a thickness of 4 mm that allows it to straighten by applying a lot of force without deforming the rod
  4. rod.
  5. OPENING SYSTEM or multi-lever

It is placed so that the end of the prick is anchored to the carabiner (incorporated in the PS-divebuckles) with a very fast and intuitive gesture that can be done without having to see the carabiner, also the pinchapez is released from the belt very quickly and instintively. The other end of the pinchapez (the part of the rope) is fastened with a fast-scaunted gaza knot to the "male" part of the PS-dive buckle in a hole designed for it (or in a caps with or without carabiner), in this way it is very easy to release the belt with the fish, for example in an emergency or before boarding a pneumatic vessel. If the lead belt is released, each end of the prick is anchored at one end of the belt, so we will get lead and fish in a single gesture of our fast buckles,

Maintaining our brand philosophy, we always use the best materials, in this case 316L superseded stainless steel.

Designed and manufactured in Spain.