SigalSub NEMESIS handlee

Manufacturer: SigalSub

Delivery time: Ready to ship in 1 day

16,04 $VAT included

iseñada to fit all conventional rifles on the market with a 26 mm inner diameter tube. span class"" lang"en" tabindex"-1>

The prestigious NEMESIS stock incorporates the firing mechanism and is made entirely of marine stainless steel. Its backward position provides more range thanks to its longer length of stretched rubber. The mechanism is -high precision which offers high-sensitivity of the user to maximum loads providing a soft trigger. Incorporate a sure anti-shot.
convert your rifle no loading problems on the mechanism and with astonishing smoothness. The tab to support the reel, allows the rubbers of the ROLLER and INVERTER systems to pass under the reel, achieving super effective stretch lengths.

Accepts varilllas from 6 to 8 mm (apart from 7 mm doghouse is recommended or put the gauze in the forward drill so that the rod fits well into the mechanism)

The thread-clamp is mounted on one side of the stock, so that it manages to clear the threads at the top, leaving excellent visibility in the shot.
installation possibility
>>of the thread subject both in the part result_box
as in the right .

Non-slip culata which facilitate the "grip" in the forced movements of the rifle, is surprisingly ergonomic and is manufactured in various colors to be able to easily locate the rifle underwater. "span id"result_box" "" lang"" is" tabindex"-1"> UV-resistant anticorrosive polymer with zero water adsorption