Manufacturer: PS-dive

Delivery time: Ready to ship in 1 day

12,45 $VAT included

Spear release tool TUBE

Multipurpose System tube. Designed to be transported with a small ball and a rubber belt, a belt lead around the hand or ankle or put it on the boat in some strategic site due to its quick-release clamping system:

has the following features and uso:

  1. REFLOATER ergonomic good grip, good turn and intuitive. We know when the heel of the rod this embedded without fail see it physically.
  2. STRAIGHTENER rods: it has two diameters ranging all the rods from 6 mm to 8 mm, has a width of tube and a robustness that allows you to straighten by applying much force without is warp the sacavarillas. In diameters greater or to straighten other things you can get in inside the tube that has an internal diameter of 15 mm.
  3. System for opening of shackles or make several levers

Maintaining our brand philosophy, we always use the best materials, in this case stainless steel 316L pasivizado.

Designed and manufactured in Spain.